Cashless ATM Service

We have a proven way to add more revenue to your business. A Point of Banking (Cashless ATM) Terminal, which is 100% compatible with National Merchant Services, provides your customers with the convenience of using ATM/Debit cards and credit cards with pin based cash advances. Consumers expect to be able to use their ATM/debit cards to make purchases at all types of businesses. They will pay a surcharge fee for the convenience of an ATM, which helps them avoid a drive to the bank or another destination saving them time and hassle . Customers access their bank accounts with this Cashless ATM without leaving the establishment.

Vx510 handswipe Point of Banking Terminals work similar to Cash ATMs except funds are deposited into any of your bank accounts at the conclusion of the business day. It is set up for $5.00 increments to closely match the purchase of your customer, and then you would simply give them change for the difference. Point of Banking Terminals work with your customer’s bank, giving them access to their cash so that they can spend more at your location. Most Bank/ATM Cards and Credit Cards using pin numbers are accepted.

This is how the process works… Read More…

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